Monday, September 27, 2010

VIP Amy!!!!!

Oh Amy what can I not say about you, you are an ingeious creation of God. You somehow manage to cook amazing food that's great for your body, have the most discipline I've ever seen in a human being, be a wonderful mother and one of the best friends I've ever had. I've got a ton of stories that I could share about you but I'll just share one of the ones you know but I don't know if you know what it meant to me. My Junior and Senior year I was attempting to break out of my shell and become someone individual in my family, Audrey was already an intelligent and shy but powerful girl, Larkie was one of the prettiest girls most people in Frazier would ever see with a brain and an outgoing personality, and both of them were brilliant at each sport they tried. Needless to say I wasn't feeling too great about myself, I felt like the odd sister, I was intelligent and pretty good at basketball but I only viewed myself as being musical and couldn't see any other benefits. Amy helped me change that. I tried out for cheerleading both my senior and my Junior year, Amy would share fun antecdotes with me about her cheerleading days, I asked her questions about boys, we rocked out to Brittney Spears in her car, I shared my secrets with her, she taught me how to do my own make-up. My biggest issue was being healthy, I'd been forced into diets, and badgered to work out for so long, told I was fat and ugly so often that my self esteem had been lingering somewhere between 0 and -1 for years. Amy asked me if I wanted to do a work out with her one day, and I of course said no and that I'd just watch her. When I saw her working out she made it look so easy, and then when she got really intense she would make these sounds that weren't like grunts or screams, but more like things you'd here a person say if they were beating the crap out of someone and had just thrown a hard kick to their face and needed to let loose a sound of triumph like " HAAAH" and it just looked like it would be so fun to work out with her that I started to. I started breathing really hard and feeling like my lungs were going to collapse within 5 minutes but Amy kept encouraging me and saying things like "come on Kailie, you can do it" and "just a few more" and "Yeah Kailie!!! keep it up" that I was able to go farther than I would push myself. Every now and then I'd do work outs with her and she would always be encouraging afterwards and congratulate me like I'd just run a marathon. I finally changed my mind and realized that I wasn't destined to be the fat, ugly girl in my family and that I could be Beautiful.

I don't know if I would have become morbidly obese, diabetic, or had a heartattack when I was twenty or if I would've just ended up being the same as I'd always been, lethargic and with out any type of enthusiasm for my life. but I'm glad I never found out and Amy is a big part of why I'm happier now than I can ever remember being on an average day in my life before she helped me. Not only have you helped me become physically healthy, but you helped give me confidence, you helped show me that god answers prayer.

Even though you're the most physically beautiful woman I've met, I know that you're even more amazing on the inside, you have a kind and tender heart, you listen to people, you do everything in your power to protect and care for your family, you are a truely christ like person. Thank you Amy, for making me feel worth while, thanks for making me look in the mirror and see someone beautiful looking back, thanks for making me joyfull about life, thanks for being my sister, friend, and confidante. Thank you for everything. I love you Amy, I hope I can be half as amazing as you when I finally grow up.



wow, what a wonderful tribute!
what a blessing to have Amy in FP during that time in your life :)

Kurt+Amy said...

I am crying right now....darn you! lol. Kailie that was very sweet, I'm not so sure all those thing are true abut me but I do know that I sure love you and I think you are amazing and will always be! Just because you don't march to someone elses beat does not mean you aren't worth all the moeny in the world!! :) You are beautiful and I'm glad that I helped you along your journey. xoxo

Shillig8 said...

don't worry it's all true, I think I have the timeline a bit mixed up though lol