Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I have successfully Flirted

Yes it's true I can now flirt! Which probably isn't that cool to most people who will read this because most of you are already married but I thought it was impossible.

I was leaving my singles ward FHE and saw a guy with a cool Hat so I complimented him on it and we got to talking. I had to go so I said bye and got into shotgun of Caroline's car. On the way home I had my hand hanging out the window and a car pulled up right next to us . . . it was him, we talked some more and flirte some more, we attempted to hold hands while both cars accelerated but it didn't work. For a few more stop lights we flirted and at one of the last ones I gave him my phone number!

this was a few weeks ago and I eventualy went on a kinda sorta but not really date with him and found that he wasn't the type of guy I wanted to date.

Sunday night of this week though I successfully flirted with 2 guys in one night. so I think I've finally passed the threshold and am able to flirt with any average joe, but I'm still building up confidence to flirt with the guy I really like.

so that is a small peek into my current life status

1 comment:


way to gain confidence :)